Calcutta High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The question of limitation is a mixed question of law and fact and, therefore, the issue of limitation could not have been decided by the local committee at the threshold stage without evidence.

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The Court stated that only because respondent is police personnel, it cannot be a ground to hold him guilty without conducting the statutorily prescribed departmental enquiry and that too in a matter, where the complainant and the witnesses are also police personnel.

gujarat high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

GNLU was directed to disclose the measures taken by the ICC to ensure that the complaints lodged before the Committee reach them without any manual intervention or external pressure.

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“The medical board has opined that the petitioner required regular medical care and supervision and the support of the family members for his compliance to the medical treatment.”

kerala high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Kerala High Court scrutinized the definition of ‘sexual assault’ and expressed that the same has to be construed as sexual offence against a victim, including sexual harassment.

uttaranchal high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“Looking to the nature and gravity of the offences and owing to the close relationship between the accused and the complainant, the Uttaranchal High Court exercising its powers under Section 482 of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, quashed the FIR.”

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“During the said period of trial, there is no occasion for the applicant to keep him languishing behind the bars, as it would serve no purpose especially in view of the aforesaid and as it is a trite law that no person is presumed guilty until proven otherwise.”

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Delhi High Court observed that what ultimately turned decisive was a voluntary acknowledgment by the appellant-professor of his acts of indiscretion in getting attracted by the charms of a young female student.

rouse avenue court, delhi
Case BriefsDistrict Court

Delhi Court observed that it is crucial for Delhi Commission for Women to focus on substantive actions rather than superficial gestures just for the sake of publicity and bringing the name in newspaper or to find fault in the other institution when equal responsibility lies with them also.

karnataka high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The Court strictly observed that in India, Gurus/teachers are considered akin to God and the Government Teacher’s perverse acts have created fear in the minds of the parents of minor girls students.

Kerala High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Kerala High Court observed that “The materials placed by the prosecution prima facie disclosed the existence of all ingredients constituting the alleged offences.”

sexual harassment of women at workplace
Case BriefsSupreme Court

The Supreme Court attributed the reluctance on the part of victims of Sexual Harassment at workplace to report the misconduct to, (i) uncertainty about who to approach under the Act for redressal of their grievance; and (ii) lack of confidence in the process and its outcome.

Gauhati High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The Court was of the view that the petitioner’s utterances towards the victim and the allegations stated in the FIR, prima facie attract the penal provisions related to sexual harassment.

madras high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

This order will not stand in the way of the Committee constituted under the Chairmanship of Justice K.Kannan (Retd.) to enquire into the matter as per the terms of reference and there will also be no fetters on the law enforcing agency from proceeding with the investigation in accordance with law.

Justice for Victims
Op EdsOP. ED.

by Tanya Agarwal†

Karnataka High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The Karnataka High Court while expressing its shock over unlikeliness of sexual abuse in open places, quashed the charges of sexual harassment and fraud against the petitioner

Bombay High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Referring to the auto driver expressing his liking to the minor girl without any sexual intent, Bombay High Court granted anticipatory bail holding that he prima facie deserves protection from arrest.

Madras High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

In 2012, Pondicherry District Collector had initiated inquiry against the Aurobindo Ashram Trust following allegations of sexual harassment, suicide of inmates and serious malpractices in the functioning of the school run by the Ashram, made by an inmate, Vishnu Lalit Singh, and a then MLA Ashok Anand.

Kerala High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Kerala High Court directs college authorities to constitute a ‘Collegiate Students Redressal Committee’ after the Internal Complaints Committee report found the student guilty of sexual harassment, without giving him an opportunity of being heard. The Court noted that teachers must be encouraged to instill virtues and values in students from primary level.

Allahabad High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The legislation in its own wisdom have planned to use the state machinery to investigate into all those offences, in which the women are poor victims of the atrocities committed by male.