Shashi Tharoor while addressing the audience at the Bangalore Literature Festival in 2018 had quoted lines from the article published by the Caravan magazine and which said that “Mr. Modi is like a scorpion sitting on a Shivling; you cannot remove him with your hand, and you cannot hit it with a chappal either.”
The Court also directed the West Bengal Govt. to take steps to create confidence in the doctors vis-a-vis their safety and emphasised that resident doctors cannot be oblivious of the needs of the general community whom they are intended to serve, and they should return to work within the time indicated.
‘Although Genpact had alluded to the amended statutory regime that had come into existence and had informed the AO of the obligation to follow the procedure under Section 148A, no legal challenge was instituted to impugn the action commenced by notice dated 30-06-2021.’
Applicant is alleged to have constructed a four-storey building without necessary permissions and using substandard materials, violating the provisions of the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966.
“Since the legislature cannot contemplate a solution to all the problems that are presented in Society. Within the broad framework that is laid down by the legislature, Courts will have to find a solution to the individual cases.”