Cases Reported in HCC
Cases ReportedHigh Court Cases

(2023) 2 HCC (Bom) Labour Law — Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 — S. 25-O (2) — Closure of Undertaking — Whether contractual

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Cases Reported in HCC
Cases ReportedHigh Court Cases

(2023) 2 HCC (Bom) Income Tax—Finance Act, 1987—Settlement of inheritance rights—Liability to pay tax—The receipt of an amount for retirement from the

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Cases Reported in HCC
Cases ReportedHigh Court Cases

Bombay High Court Service Law—Upgradation of Pay—Petition against denial of financial upgradations under the Assured Career Progression Scheme (ACPS) and the Modified

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Cases Reported in HCC
Cases ReportedHigh Court Cases

Bombay High Court Education Law — Maharashtra Public Universities Act, 2016 — Whether definition of “teacher” includes Principal — Held, going by

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