Bombay High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“The legislative intent through Section 509 is to deter an action capable of shocking the sense of decency of a woman. The manner in which the offender shocks such sense of a woman is not restricted to oral abuse or gesture alone, but also include statements, speeches, exclamations, notes, all of which could be in a text form relayed whether physically or electronically.”

Himachal Pradesh High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

There was no occasion for the State to file the present appeal, as once it is on record that the prosecutrix was living happy married life with the respondent, then, this Court cannot shut its eyes to the ground reality and disturb the happy family life of the respondent and the prosecutrix.

Karnataka High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Mere erasure of the name of the petitioner in the cause title, does not mean that he is entitled to seek such erasure from the police records. “The direction would be only to enable the internet to forget, like the humans forget. If it is allowed to stay on record, the internet will never permit the humans to forget”.

Constitution Bench Yearly Roundup 2023
Legal RoundUpSupreme Court Roundups

This year was very busy for the Supreme Court’s Constitution Bench as it dealt with the maximum number of cases and decided major matters like Article 370; Same sex marriage; Maharashtra political crisis; and more

Case BriefsSupreme Court

“Thrusting upon a woman the guilt of having killed a child without any proper evidence, simply because she was living alone in the village, thereby connecting with one another two unrelated aspects; reinforces the cultural stereotypes and gendered identities which the Court has explicitly warned against.”