adoption by wife
Cases ReportedNever Reported Judgments

This report covers the Supreme Court’s Never Reported Judgment dating back to the year 1953 on adoption by a married Hindu female.

contempt of court
Cases ReportedNever Reported Judgments

This report covers the Supreme Court’s Never Reported Judgment dating back to the year 1953 on contempt of court.

execution of mortgage decree
Cases ReportedNever Reported Judgments

This report covers the Supreme Court’s Never Reported Judgment dating back to the year 1953 on execution of mortgage decree.

landlord-tenant relationship
Cases ReportedNever Reported Judgments

This report covers the Supreme Court’s Never Reported Judgment dating back to the year 1953 on landlord-tenant relationship.

mens rea bad faith
Cases ReportedNever Reported Judgments

This report covers the Supreme Court’s Never Reported Judgment dating back to the year 1953 on essentiality of mens rea.

limitation period suit filed on possession of immovable property
Cases ReportedNever Reported Judgments

This report covers the Supreme Court’s Never Reported Judgment dating back to the year 1953 on limitation period of suit on possession of immovable property.

entries in revenue records
Cases ReportedNever Reported Judgments

This report covers the Supreme Court’s Never Reported Judgment dating back to the year 1953 on relevance of entries in revenue records.

standard of care required on the part of bailee
Cases ReportedNever Reported Judgments

This report covers the Supreme Court’s Never Reported Judgment dating back to the year 1953 on Section 151 of Contract Act,1872.

right to reconstruct on land where a mosque once existed
Cases ReportedNever Reported Judgments

This report covers the Supreme Court’s Never Reported Judgment dating back to the year 1953 on religious and charitable endowments.

Intelligently executing deed appreciating its interest is valid
Cases ReportedNever Reported Judgments

This report covers the Supreme Court’s Never Reported Judgment dating back to the year 1953 on Section 129 of the Transfer of Property Act,1882.

quantum of costs
Cases ReportedNever Reported Judgments

This report covers the Supreme Court’s Never Reported Judgment dating back to the year 1953 on quantum of costs.

compromise deed to drop criminal proceedings not unlawful
Cases ReportedNever Reported Judgments

This report covers the Supreme Court’s Never Reported Judgment dating back to the year 1953 on unlawful consideration.

sale of joint family property by Karta
Cases ReportedNever Reported Judgments

This report covers the Supreme Court’s Never Reported Judgment dating back to the year 1953 on sale of joint family property by Karta.

purchaser not ready and willing if did not treat contract as subsisting
Cases ReportedNever Reported Judgments

This report covers the Supreme Court’s Never Reported Judgment dating back to the year 1953 on personal bars to relief in specific performance of contract.

duties of a Karta
Cases ReportedNever Reported Judgments

This report covers the Supreme Court’s Never Reported Judgment dating back to the year 1953 on rights/powers/duties of a Karta in relation to joint family property.

damages for non-delivery of goods in absence of contract of sale
Cases ReportedNever Reported Judgments

This report covers the Supreme Court’s Never Reported Judgment dating back to the year 1953 on damages for non-delivery of goods.

Alienation of property under Hindu Law
Cases ReportedNever Reported Judgments

This report covers the Supreme Court’s Never Reported Judgment dating back to the year 1953 on alienation of property under Hindu Law.

language in document cannot be pressed over strong contrary evidence
Cases ReportedNever Reported Judgments

This report covers the Supreme Court’s Never Reported Judgment dating back to the year 1952 on interpretation of deeds and documents.

presumption of marriage
Cases ReportedNever Reported Judgments

This report covers the Supreme Court’s Never Reported Judgment dating back to the year 1952 on presumption of marriage.

presumption of correctness revenue records
Cases ReportedNever Reported Judgments

This report covers the Supreme Court’s Never Reported Judgment dating back to the year 1952 on presumption of correctness in revenue records.