Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The Delhi High Court said that in a suit for partition and possession, a relief of declaration sought by way of amendment is impermissible as it would change nature of suit.

sale of joint family property by Karta
Cases ReportedNever Reported Judgments

This report covers the Supreme Court’s Never Reported Judgment dating back to the year 1953 on sale of joint family property by Karta.

duties of a Karta
Cases ReportedNever Reported Judgments

This report covers the Supreme Court’s Never Reported Judgment dating back to the year 1953 on rights/powers/duties of a Karta in relation to joint family property.

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“Experience has shown that any culture or practice that is ingrained in the society is bound to face some apprehension and resistance by the society when systemic changes are made to it. But with passage of time, it becomes a tool of social change.”

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Can Karta sell HUF property without consent
Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court clarified that “an HUF is capable of acting through its Karta or an adult member of the family in the management of the HUF property.”

High Court Round UpLegal RoundUpTribunals/Regulatory Bodies/Commissions Monthly Roundup

Interesting picks from this week’s legal stories from High Courts to District Courts Alimony Whether husband is entitled to claim alimony under

Bombay High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Bombay High Court: Mangesh S. Patil, J., expressed that, by virtue of Section 19 of the Hindu Succession Act, it has been

Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court: In a suit where the Karta of a Joint Hindu Family, consisting of himself, his wife and his son, had

Case BriefsSupreme Court

“Even if a male member had taken premises on rent, he is tenant in his individual capacity and not as Karta of Hindu Undivided Family in the absence of any evidence that Karta was doing the business for and on behalf of Joint Hindu Family.”

Case BriefsHigh Courts

Delhi High Court: In a path breaking decision the Bench of Najmi Waziri, J., while answering a vital question that whether a