Hot Off The PressNews

On 04-01-2024, the Supreme Court directed the States to implement the recommendations of the Second National Judicial Pay Commission regarding pay and allowances for judicial officers, and to pay the arrears by 29-02-2024.

ministry of law and justice
Legislation UpdatesRules & Regulations

Chairperson and Member will get travelling, Daily and House rent allowances.

European Parliament
Case BriefsForeign Courts

Once the necessity of transmission of personal data was established, the requested European Union institution must weigh the interests of the parties concerned and verify whether the data subjects’ legitimate interests may be prejudiced by that transmission

himachal pradesh high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The State acts as a model employer that can’t discriminate among its employees and give a benefit that is conferred under the applicable rules/instructions to some, and deny the same to others.

maharashtra government
Legislation UpdatesNotifications

On 4-7-2023, the Maharashtra Government announced post- retirement benefits and allowances for housekeeping, chauffeur and telephone expenses to the retired Bombay High

Zila Parishad
Case BriefsSupreme Court

Given the existence of the unambiguous provision, Supreme Court held that the services rendered by primary teachers while in the service of the Zilla Parishad deserves to be counted towards their seniority after the transfer and merger of their services into the Pune Municipal Corporation

Legislation UpdatesStatutes/Bills/Ordinances

The Salary, Allowances and Pension of Members of Parliament (Amendment) Bill, 2020 received Presidential Assent on 24-09-2020. Salary, Allowances and Pension of

Legislation UpdatesRules & Regulations

G.S.R. 682(E).— In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) and sub-section (2) of Section 469 of the Companies Act, 2013(18

Foreign LegislationLegislation Updates

The Right to Information (Amendment) Bill, 2019 received President of India’s assent on 01-08-2019. The Right to Information (Amendment) Act, 2019 will