The Repealing and Amending Bill, 2022 was introduced in the Lok Sabha by the then Union Law Minister, Kiren Rijiju on 19-12-2022 with a view to repealing 65 obsolete Laws. Now, the present Law Minister, Arjun Ram Meghwal, proposed to repeal 76 obsolete Laws and amend a minor drafting error in Factoring Regulation Act, 2011.
On 27-7-2023, the Lok Sabha passed the Bill.
About the Bill:
1. The Bill contains 3 Schedules-
• First Schedule- contains 35 Acts, enacted between the years 1850 to 2020.
• Second Schedule- contains 41 Appropriation Acts, enacted between the years 2013-2017.
• Third Schedule- contains a minor amendment in The Factoring Regulation Act, 2011.
2. The Bill would ensure ease of living and ease of doing. The aim of repealing the obsolete Acts is to meet the vision of “minimum government and maximum government”.
What happened in Rajya sabha about repealing and amending absolute law 2022