National Green Tribunal: In an application filed against the Pune Municipal Corporation(‘PMC’) for cutting trees for the Mula-Mutha Riverfront Development Project, the two Member Bench of Dinesh Kumar Singh (Judicial Member) and Dr. Vijay Kulkarni (Expert Member), ordered PMC to not cut any trees till the next date of hearing i.e., 31-07-2023.
In the matter at hand, an application was filed against the PMC, seeking an order prohibiting it from cutting trees from Mula, Mutha, for the Mula-Mutha Riverfront Development Project, until a fresh appraisal of the project was conducted. The Tribunal in its previous Order found that prima facie the case of adverse impact on environment was made out and considering the urgency of the matter, the applicant was directed to serve notice on PMC.
The Tribunal gave an interim relief and directed the PMC not to cut any trees till the next date of hearing i.e., 31-07-2023.
[Sarang Yadwakar v. Pune Municipal Corporation, Original Application No. 80/2023, Order Dated: 31-05-2023]
Advocates who appeared in this case :
For the Applicant: Advocate Ritwick Dutta.