Date: 26th September, 2022

The GNLU Student Law Review (GNLUSLR) is the flagship student journal of Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar. The Review is an annually published, student-edited, double-blind peer-reviewed, online, open-access Law Review. With a primary focus on Indian jurisprudence, the journal encourages comparative and international law research as well as an interdisciplinary approach. After the launch of Volume III in August 2022, the GNLUSLR hereby calls for papers for its Volume IV. Submissions are welcome from students, practitioners, academics, and scholars. The submission must mandatorily contain an abstract of 200-250 words. The author must provide 4-5 keywords as part of the abstract. The categories for submissions are as follows (word limits are exclusive of footnotes):

  • Article: (4500-8000 words) Authors are expected to comprehensively engage with the foundation of the chosen topic, aiming to underline its relevance for present times through legal policy.

  • Case Note: (2500-4500 words) A Case Note analyses a recent judgment or landmark decision of Indian courts, informing on the background of the matter and substantive implications for future adjudication.

  • Legislative Comment: (2000-4000 words) Legislative Comments should examine a legislation or bill before the Parliament or any state legislature, facilitating a cross-jurisdictional comparative analysis and suggesting improvements.

  • Book Review: (1500-4000 words) A Book Review should capture the essential literature in a legal book and present its principles and arguments in a cohesive manner.

Co-authorship is permissible up to three authors only for the category of ‘Articles'. For all other categories, a maximum of two co-authors are permitted.

Submission Guidelines:

The manuscript must be in .doc or .docx format and must not contain the name of the author, institutional affiliation, or any other identification mark. The body of the manuscript must be in Garamond, font size 12 with line spacing 1.5. The footnotes must be in Garamond, font size 10 with line spacing 1. A one-line gap must be maintained between all paragraphs and headings.

The submission must not have any endnotes, bibliography, and references; authors are advised to use only footnotes. The GNLUSLR follows ‘The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th ed.)'. A short guide for formatting according to Bluebook can be accessed here. Speaking and substantive footnotes are encouraged; however, authors must justify their use. Further, the authors are also sincerely requested to adhere to the author guidelines that can be accessed here. The link to manuscript submission can be accessed here. The deadline for submission is 31st October, 2022. For detailed guidelines and more information about the Law Review, please visit their webpage:

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