The Indian Journal of Intellectual Property Law (IJIPL) is the flagship intellectual property law journal of NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad. IJIPL is India’s first student run journal that is wholly devoted to the study of intellectual property law. Published annually, it is the combined endeavour of NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad and the N.C. Banerjee Centre for Intellectual Property Rights Studies to address contemporary issues in the field of intellectual property law.

The IJIPL has had distinguished contributors to its previous editions such as late Prof Shamnad Basheer, Prof Srividhya Ragavan, Dr Mrinalini Kochupillai, Prof Michele Boldrin, Prof David Levine and many other renowned experts of the field.

Authors are encouraged to explore contemporary theoretical and legal controversies relating to intellectual property law and policy. However, fresh and interesting perspectives on IP policy as well as interdisciplinary perspectives on the subject are welcome.

The Journal is presently soliciting submissions for its 12th Volume, to be released tentatively in July, 2022. Undergraduate students, post-graduate students, practitioners, faculty and other academicians are invited to contribute to the Journal in the form of essays, articles, notes and comments. Guidelines for the submissions are provided below.

The last date for submission of papers is 20 November, 2021.


  1. Text and citations must conform to the rules in OSCOLA (4th edition). The Journal employs footnotes as the method of citation. Speaking footnotes, though not prohibited, are discouraged.
  2. The text of the submission must be in Times New Roman, size 12 and 1.5 spacing. The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, size 10 and Single spacing.
  3. All submissions must be accompanied by:
  1. A separate document containing the biographical information of the authors, including the following details: Name, E‐mail address, Postal Address, Name and Address of Institution, Course (if applicable), Academic Year. No reference to the name or the affiliations of the author must be present in the text of the submission and must only be provided in this separate
  2. An abstract of not more than 350 words describing the submission. Please note that there is no requirement of prior submission of the abstract, as papers are selected for publication only on the basis of the full manuscript. The abstract shall serve merely to help the Editorial Board in its review
  1. The submissions must fall into one of the following categories:
    1. Articles:

An article must comprehensively analyse the issue that the author seeks to highlight. It must contain a rigorous study of the status quo or a contemporary issue. An article should be between 5,000‐8,000 words.

  1. Essays:

An essay challenges existing paradigms/norms and provides a fresh outlook to common problems. It is strongly recommended that essays be considerably more concise than articles, in terms of scope and conceptualization. An essay must thus ideally be between 3,000‐5,000 words.

  1. Notes:

A note is a relatively concise form of an argument advanced by the author. The focus of a note should be on a relatively recent debate or controversy regarding the interpretation or implementation of the law. The word limit for a note is 2,500 words.


A comment allows the author to critique any recent/landmark judicial pronouncement, legislation or a   pending   bill.   The   word   limit   for   a   comment is 2,500 words.

  1. Each submission must be the original work of its author(s). Any submissions found to be plagiarized from another source will be automatically rejected. To this end, a plagiarism check will be conducted as the first stage of
  2. Submissions must be in accordance with the Submissions Guidelines and Editorial The contributions accepted for publication and the copyright therein shall remain jointly with the Author(s) and the IJIPL. Any person desiring to use IJIPL‟s material for education purposes, research or private study can do so with prior written permission of the Publisher (
  3. All author(s), by submitting any contribution towards IJIPL, hereby consent to indemnify NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad and IJIPL from and against all claims, suits and consequences based on any claim of copyright infringement/ unauthorized use / violation of any right which may arise as a result of their contribution being published in
  4. Authors must inform the Editorial Board if their manuscripts have been submitted to other Authors may request an expedited review on these grounds, but the granting of the same is within the discretion of the Editorial Board.

Please send the submissions to: The subject line must read “Submission for Vol 12”. Queries may be directed to the same ID, with “Query | Vol 12‟ in the subject line. Editorial and Peer Review Policy and other information about the Journal can be found on

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