Know Thy Judge | Supreme Court of India: Justice Sandeep Mehta
Justice Sandeep Mehta, formerly the Chief Justice of Gauhati High Court, took oath of office as Judge of Supreme Court of India on 9-11-2023 and will be retiring on 10-01-2028.
Justice Sandeep Mehta, formerly the Chief Justice of Gauhati High Court, took oath of office as Judge of Supreme Court of India on 9-11-2023 and will be retiring on 10-01-2028.
“Jurisdiction of the Industrial Court is also to the exclusion of the civil courts and is not arbitrable.”
“It is a well-established principle of criminal jurisprudence that conviction on a charge of murder may be based purely on circumstantial evidence, provided that such evidence is deemed credible and trustworthy. In cases involving circumstantial evidence, it is crucial to ensure that the facts leading to the conclusion of guilt are fully established and that all the established facts point irrefutably to the accused person’s guilt.”
The sealed cover procedure is to be resorted to only after issuance of the charge-memo/charge-sheet is issued.
The Court further stated that any step of reduction in the pay scale and recovery from a government employee would be like a punitive action because the same has drastic civil and evil consequences.
The State of West Bengal had challenged the CBI’s action of registering Suo moto cases for offences that occurred within its territory without any direction from the competent court or prior consent by the State.
In the Consumer Protection Act, 2019, a body corporate was brought within the definition of ‘person’, indicating that the legislature realized the incongruity in the unamended provision and rectified the anomaly by including the word ‘company’ in the definition of ‘person’.
Supreme Court quashed and set aside the condition imposed by the Orissa High Court restricting involvement in political activities.
Supreme Court concluded that the instant matter was not one of ‘incorporation’ but a case of ‘reference’ and clarified that a general reference would not have the effect of incorporating arbitration clause.
Supreme Court found the Industrial Tribunal justified in giving an award on a reference by the Central Government, and the Tribunal’s findings as unassailable.
“The deceased was frustrated on account of work pressure and was feeling the pressure of working in two different districts.”
“Dying declaration can be the sole basis of the conviction if it inspires the full confidence of the Court and the deceased was in a fit state of mind at the time of making the statement and that it was not the result of tutoring, prompting or imagination.”
Supreme Court, while refusing to interfere with the acquittal order, also pointed out the fact that all 6 people had been acquitted twice by the different Benches of Bombay High Court.
The Court found glaring loopholes in the prosecution case regarding the preparation of the samples of the contraband and safe keeping of the samples.
“The order dated 02-01-2024 will not come in the way of competent authorities considering proposals for modifications/alterations in the environmental clearance if the area of the projects had a valid environmental clearance prior to 07-07-2021.”
Dr. Justice D.Y Chandrachud, CJI, administered oath to Justice Sandeep Mehta on 9-11-2023.
Following the Collegium’s recommendation for appointment of Justice Satish Chandra Sharma, Justice Augustine George Masih, and Justice Sandeep Mehta as Judges of the Supreme Court of India, the Centre cleared the recommendation within 48 hrs.
Following a meticulous assessment of the qualifications, the Collegium on 06-11-2023, recommended the names of the Justice Satish Chandra Sharma, Justice Augustine George Masih, and Justice Sandeep Mehta, Chief Justices of High Courts of Delhi, Rajasthan and Gauhati respectively, to be elevated as Judges of the Supreme Court.