Supreme Court dismisses plea against Delhi High Court’s Senior Advocates designation
“We don’t see that anybody gets better treatment in this Court because he has a different gown,” the Bench remarked.
“We don’t see that anybody gets better treatment in this Court because he has a different gown,” the Bench remarked.
Three of NEET-PG 2024 candidates sought directions to the MCC to conduct afresh Round III of Counselling.
The Court reiterated that one-sided Agreements, as in the present case, would be covered by the definition of term “unfair trade practice”.
‘Manufacture’ is an inclusive term and includes any process or part of a process for making, altering, ornamenting, finishing, packing, labelling, breaking up or otherwise treating or adopting any drug or cosmetic with a view to its sale or distribution.
“It must be established that all the accused had preplanned and shared a common intention to commit the crime with the accused who has actually committed the crime.”
“The requirement of law in criminal trials is not to prove the case beyond all doubt but beyond reasonable doubt and such doubt cannot be imaginary, fanciful, trivial or merely a possible doubt but a fair doubt based on reason and common sense.”
“Cruelty is not enough to constitute offence under S. 498-A IPC, it must be done with the intention to cause grave injury or drive victim to commit suicide or inflict grave injury to herself.”
ED’s investigation into the Jal Jeevan Mission scam revealed that fake and fabricated work experience certificates were used to get Public Health and Engineering Department contracts and bribes were given to public servants to score tenders.
The husband of one of the Judicial Officers alleged that she along with another Judicial Officer and Public Prosecutor violated the guidelines laid down in the Arnesh Kumar case; and that he was illegally arrested from his residence at off hours, pursuant to matrimonial matter.
“For an average citizen, the construction of a house is often the culmination of years of hard work, dreams, and aspirations. A house is not just a property but embodies the collective hopes of a family or individuals for stability, security, and a future. Having a house or a roof over one’s head gives satisfaction to any person. If this is to be taken away, then the authority must be satisfied that this is the only option available.”
The accused was arrested in 2012 on the suspicion of murdering his wife, mother and 2-year-old daughter. In 2016, the Trial Court convicted him and imposed death penalty which was confirmed by Bombay High Court
“It should be borne in mind that the RPwD Act which was enacted to give effect to the United Nations Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities – was with the objective of granting persons with disabilities full and effective participation and inclusion in society, grant them equal opportunity and to show respect for their inherent dignity, individual autonomy including the freedom to make their own choices.”
‘Even if the parties involved in a case themselves, with no valid justification attempt to delay the proceedings, the Courts need to be vigilant and nip any such attempt in the bud instantly. Pleadings with outrageous & ex facie unbelievable averments being made; Frivolous & vexatious proceedings be met with due sanctions to dissuade parties from resorting to such tactics.’
“Casual observation may indicate personal biases especially when perceived to be directed at a certain gender or community. One must be wary of making patriarchal or misogynistic comments”
In 2019, Sus Road Baner Vikas Manch, preferred an application before the NGT, Western Zone, seeking to restrain Noble Exchange Environment Solution from operating the GPP, since the same had been established without following the procedure prescribed by law.
“The said direction would not be applicable if there is an unauthorized structure in any public place and also to cases where there is an order for demolition made by a Court.”
Dean of Pune’s Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Government Medical College was directed to constitute a Medical Board to examine as to whether the speech and language disability of the petitioner would come in his way of pursuing the MBBS.
The Court sought suggestions from all the parties, which can be considered in framing appropriate guidelines.
“Whether the writ Court should exercise its jurisdiction under Article 226 of the Constitution of India or not will depend on the facts and circumstances of each case. However, it is to be noted that a common thread in all the judgments relating to the custody of minor children is the paramount welfare of the child.”
In the matter at hand, the Division Bench of High Court upheld a detention order, which was quashed by a coordinate Bench of the same High Court, based on same grounds and material relied.