ECJ fingerprints for ID cards false id cards
Case BriefsForeign Courts

The ECJ stated that obligation to insert fingerprints into the storage medium of identity cards constitutes a limitation of the fundamental right to privacy and protection of personal data, which are guaranteed by the ECHR.

European Court of Human Rights
Case BriefsForeign Courts

“References to traditions, general assumptions or prevailing social attitudes in a particular country are insufficient justification for a difference in treatment on grounds of sex, whether in favour of women or men”

Case BriefsInternational Courts

European Court of Human Rights (ECHR): Chamber composed of Yonko Grozev, President, Tim Eicke, Faris Vehabović, Iulia Antoanella Motoc, Armen Harutyunyan, Pere

Case BriefsForeign Courts

Sucheta Sarkar, Editorial Assistant has put this story together

Case BriefsForeign Courts

 Supreme Court of United Kingdom: Lord Kerr, J. delivered the judgment for the Court including himself and Lady Hale, Lord Wilson, Lord