Telangana High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Nowhere, in the Holy Book, the Almighty prohibited women from entering prayer halls to offer their prayers and Chapter 2 Albakarah 222-223 makes it evident that except during a particular period which is given as ‘rest period’ for women by the Nature itself, there is no bar against women to offer prayers.

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

In a landmark ruling, the Delhi High Court unequivocally dismissed the antiquated notion of ‘pardanashin,’ affirming that a woman’s dignity transcends cultural stereotypes like the veil. Upholding fundamental rights, the court emphasized that dignity is intrinsic to every individual, irrespective of religious practices.

telangana high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“The right to freely profess, practice or propagate any religion, includes in it the citizens right to say that they do not believe in any religion, and they do not want to profess, practice, or propagate any religion. The State cannot compel the citizen to profess or declare that he belongs to one religion or the other.”

haj pilgrimage
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Religious freedoms are one of the most cherished rights guaranteed and enshrined under the Constitution in line with the vision of the founding fathers of the Modern Indian Republic and the religious freedom of the person was guaranteed by the Constitution of India under Article 25.

Karnataka High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

In an impassioned ruling, the single Judge Bench of the Karnataka High Court observed that the word “men” in the impugned Guideline perpetrates gender bias and misogyny and urged that there is an imperative need of change of nomenclature from ‘ex-servicemen’ to that of ‘ex-service personnel

Case BriefsSupreme Court

“The courts’ role is to act as the guarantor and jealous protector of the people’s liberties: be they assured through the freedoms, and the right to equality and religion or cultural rights under Part III, or the right against deprivation, in any form, through any process other than law.”