delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“The basic requirement of Article 14 of the Constitution is that any action of the State must be non-arbitrary in essence and substance. It is the heartbeat of fair play and State actions are amenable to judicial review to the extent that the State must act validly for a discernible reason and not whimsically.”

Karnataka High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

In an impassioned ruling, the single Judge Bench of the Karnataka High Court observed that the word “men” in the impugned Guideline perpetrates gender bias and misogyny and urged that there is an imperative need of change of nomenclature from ‘ex-servicemen’ to that of ‘ex-service personnel

Meghalaya High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“…that greater weightage is desirable to be given to the objective part of the assessment since the Indian psyche is such that the subjective part of the assessment, more often than not, is tainted, influenced or guided by nepotism or the usual uncle culture or even more disagreeable extraneous considerations.”