bombay high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

At this juncture, examining whether the petition filed before the NCLT can be said to be a ‘dressed-up’ petition, would necessarily require a detailed exercise to be carried out by this Court to render findings either way clearly impinging upon the exclusive jurisdiction of the NCLT in deciding such a question.

high court round up july
High Court Round UpLegal RoundUp

A quick legal roundup to cover important stories from all High Courts in July 2023.

high court weekly round up
High Court Round UpLegal RoundUp

A quick legal roundup to cover important stories from all High Courts this week.

Op EdsOP. ED.

by Puneeth Ganapathy*

indian jurisprudence
Experts CornerVasanth Rajasekaran

by Vasanth Rajasekaran†
Cite as: 2023 SCC OnLine Blog Exp 57

referral courts jurisdiction
Case BriefsSupreme Court

In the case at hand, the Delhi High Court had referred the disputes for arbitration without conclusively deciding the issue of the existence and validity of an arbitration agreement and had left it to be decided by the arbitral tribunal.

enforceability of arbitral award
Experts CornerVasanth Rajasekaran

by Vasanth Rajasekaran†
Cite as: 2023 SCC OnLine Blog Exp 50

enforcing domestic awards
Experts CornerShardul Amarchand Mangaldas

by Ila Kapoor† and Mrinali Komandur††
Cite as: 2023 SCC OnLine Blog Exp 42

unstamped arbitration agreements
Experts CornerVasanth Rajasekaran

by Vasanth Rajasekaran †
Cite as: 2023 SCC OnLine Blog Exp 38

Case BriefsSupreme Court (Constitution/Larger Benches)

Group of Companies Doctrine- an Arbitration Agreement entered into by a Company within a group of Companies can bind its non-signatory affiliates, if the circumstances demonstrate that the mutual intention of parties was to bind signatory as well as the non-signatory parties.

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The Collaboration Agreement is a commercial transaction between the private parties and hence the same by its very nature is determinable, even if there is termination clause in the Collaboration Agreement

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Delhi High Court held that non-signatory or third party could be subjected to arbitration proceedings without their prior consent. It was necessary to examine the touchstone of direct relationship of signatory parties to the arbitration agreement, forming part of a composite transaction.

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Delhi High Court was of the view that it would be within its right to dismiss the petition at the threshold if the petition is not maintainable, otherwise an unacceptable position of law would arise where despite a petition being not maintainable due to lack of territorial jurisdiction would need to be entertained.

Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 — Ss. 11, 8 and 16 — Arbitrability — Accord and Satisfaction — Plea of claims being

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

All that the respondent wished for was a better roof over the head of his family. It was for this objective that the collaboration agreement was devised, but the appellant subjected the respondent to undue harassment on account of his illegal designs which led to the registration of the FIR, and the respondent had to run from pillar to post due to the direct acts of the appellant. Such circumstances do warrant awarding of damages on account of mental agony and harassment.

Sikkim High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The Court observed that the Tribunal after holding that there was a fundamental breach of contract, factored in the contributory delay caused by the appellant and fairly awarded ‘Loss of Profit’ by slashing it to 50% of the original claim put forth by the appellant.

Insolvency Proceedings
Experts CornerKhaitan & Co

by Kartikey Mahajan, Siddhant Sharma and Jatan Rodrigues

Cite as: 2022 SCC OnLine Blog Exp 87

Op EdsOP. ED.

by Manavendra Mishra† and Alok Vajpeyi††

Case BriefsSupreme Court

    Supreme Court: In an appeal against the judgment passed by Telangana High Court, wherein the High Court dismissed the application

Case BriefsSupreme Court

    Supreme Court: The division bench of Uday Umesh Lalit, C.J. and Bela M. Trivedi*, J. has held that the provisions