Call for Papers | GNLU SRDC ADR Magazine, Volume – V Issue – I (Submit by October 25, 2024)
Gujarat National Law University’s SRDC ADR Magazine is a triannual student-run publication that invites submissions from experts
Gujarat National Law University’s SRDC ADR Magazine is a triannual student-run publication that invites submissions from experts
About the Magazine Gujarat National Law University’s SRDC ADR Magazine is a triannual student-run publication which invites submissions from experts, working professionals,
About the GNLU Student Law Review The GNLU Student Law Review (GSLR) is the flagship student journal of the Gujarat National Law
[Submit Abstract by 15 March 2023] Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad is organizing a One-Day National Seminar on Emerging Technological Trends in Cyber
The Center for Transnational Commercial Law (CTCL), National Law University Delhi is organizing a 5-day course on Insolvency Practicum from