Karnataka High Court: The Division Bench of K Somashekhar and Justice Rajesh Rai K., JJ., on 22-03-2024, the gave the Karnataka Government a positive response to their inclination to conduct Board Exams for students studying in 5th, 8th, 9th and 11th standards.
The Division Bench today reversed the decision of the Single Judge, who on 06-03-2024 held that the scheme of holding board exams was taken without framing the rules under Sections 22 and 145 of the Karnataka Education Act, 19831. The impugned order the Single Judge Bench was stayed by the Division Bench on 07-03-2024 when the State of Karnataka decided to appeal the decision.
Detailed copy of the judgment is awaited.
Source- The Press
[State of Karnataka v. Registered Unaided Private Schools Management Association, WA 379/2024, decided on 22-03-2024]
1. Karnataka HC allows govt to go ahead with board exams for classes 5, 8, 9 – The Hindu