The Governor of Uttar Pradesh notified elaborate rules explaining conditions to restrict working of ‘women employee’ between 7:00 pm and 6:00 am. The order by state government to ensure working conditions was notified vide Notification no. 647/XXXVI-3-2022-17(sa)/2022 dated 27-05-2022.

Key Points:

  • Uttar Pradesh has taken a step ahead in providing security to ‘women employee’ working at late hours of the day. This notification however only covers those governed by Factories Act, 1948 putting further restrictions mentioned in Section 66(1)(b).

  • Employers are barred to make women work before 6:00 am and after 7:00 pm without their ‘written consent’ for maximum period of 4 hours.

  • If a woman agrees in the late night shift, employers are required to fulfil basic amenities like:

    1. Food

    2. Transportation

    3. Clean latrines, urinals and washing places

    4. Drinking facilities

  • Inspector that factory needs to regularly updated about the whereabouts of the women working during night shifts. In case of any inappropriate incident happens, the employer has to report it with the concerned local Police Station.

  • Further, these rules aim in protecting the women against any sexual harassments and penalising the offender under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.

  • These rules are effective from 27-05-2022, non-compliance of which will make the permissions stand cancelled.

*Shubhi Srivastava, Editorial Assistant has reported this brief.

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