COVID 19 | In-house care-givers of Senior Citizens, Prepaid mobile recharge utilities, Food processing units in urban areas exempt from lockdown restrictions

Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has issued an order to exempt certain activities under the consolidated revised guidelines (, regarding the Nationwide

Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has issued an order to exempt certain activities under the consolidated revised guidelines (, regarding the Nationwide lockdown to fight COVID-19.

Some queries have been received with regard to exemptions of specific services/activities within the categories already allowed in the guidelines issued under the above referred orders. In this regard, it is clarified that:-

  • Social sector under clause 8(i) include bed side attendants and care givers of senior citizens residing in their homes.
  • Public utilities under clause 11(v) include recharge facilities for prepaid mobile connection.
  • Supply of essential goods under clause 13(i) include food processing units such as bread factories, milk processing plants, flour mills, dal mills etc. located in urban areas.

However, as specified in the lockdown measures, National COVID-19 Directives and Standard Operating Procedure for social distancing for offices, workshops, factories and establishments must be ensured.

It has been communicated to all States to inform the district authorities and field agencies on the above accordingly, so as to avoid ambiguity at the ground level.

Click here to see Official Communication to States

Ministry of Home Affairs

[Press Release dt. 21-04-2020]

[Source: PIB]

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