MUN Society are delighted to announce our first-ever Essay Competition. The themes which are chosen attempt to challenge you on your understanding about the effects of the COVID 19 pandemic. The Essay Writing Competition, 2020 seeks to address the issues that have been brought forth by the coronavirus. We hope to answer the questions of compatibility and conflict between in present and times to come. The main objective of the Competition is to initiate an intellectual churning process for realizing the nexus between law and diplomacy. It endeavours to encourage and promote creative, logical thinking and knowledge of understanding and research amongst students. The criteria for the award shall be lucidity, understanding, novelty, and coherence of thought process. 
1. COVID 19 and its effect on Global Geopolitics.
2. Access to Online Education: Countering Challenges Across the Globe.
3. WHO and COVID 19 Response: Efficient or Elusive.
First Prize: 5,000
Second Prize: 3,000
Third Prize: 2,000
So set pen to paper and bring out your best ever essay. You can find all the relevant information such as Submission guidelines HERE 

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