Karnataka High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“Investigating agencies should be very cautious while seeking their custodial interrogation. Women by their very nature deserve preferential treatment inter alia in matters relating to bail, regular or anticipatory”.

Madhya Pradesh High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“A striking balance is necessary while considering the matter of bail of a juvenile from the angle of best interest of the child, demands of justice to the victim and the concern of the society at large.”

National Human Rights Commission
Case BriefsTribunals/Commissions/Regulatory Bodies

Taking into consideration the gravity of the matter, the Commission directed the authorities concerned to submit their response within twelve weeks.

punjab and haryana high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Punjab and Haryana High Court pointed towards the irresponsible and callous approach of senior police officer who were also the members of SIT.

To Stay or Not to Stay
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by Ram Kumar†

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The present case confronts the situation where the father of the minor child had fortunately found his daughter who came back to the fold of his lawful guardianship, but not without facing hardships and stress as he did not know the progress of the case.

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“One has to appreciate and imagine the trauma, stress, the agony of the child, who was only three years of age, that she would have gone through after being kidnapped by the kidnappers from the lawful guardianship of her parents.”

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“In discussions surrounding the empowerment of women, education is rightly recognized as a fundamental pillar. However, when such incidents occur that force a girl to abandon her studies, the very notion of empowerment is compromised and society at large bears the consequences.”

code of investigation for police
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“It is high time that a consistent and dependable code of investigation is devised with a mandatory and detailed procedure for the police to implement and abide by during the course of their investigation so that the guilty do not walk free on technicalities, as they do in most cases in our country.”

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The accused had failed to demonstrate any illegality in the impugned judgment convicting them for the offences of kidnapping, abduction, and gang rape.

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Though causing death of someone in itself is perversity, however causing death by smothering and inflicting injuries by jack handle though opined to be consistent with intense torture, cannot be held to be a diabolic or seriously perverse manner of committing murder so as to shock the collective conscience of the society and fall in the category of rarest of rare cases.

sensational crime
Cases ReportedSCC Archives

“The survival of an orderly society demands the extinction of the life of persons like Ranga and Billa who are a menace to social order and security. They are professional murderers and deserve no sympathy even in terms of the evolving standards of decency of a maturing society.”

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Delhi High Court opined that the cause of death was found to be cranio cerebral damage consequent upon blunt force impact to the head which was sufficient to cause death in ordinary course of nature.

lok sabha secretariat
Hot Off The PressNews

On 1-5-2023, the Lok Sabha Secretariat disqualified Afzal Ansari, representing the Ghazipur Parliamentary Constituency of Uttar Pradesh, from membership of Lok Sabha

intimidation of kidnapped victim
Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court said that if the sentence carrying a maximum sentence of death and a minimum sentence of life sentence has such low evidentiary threshold, the difference between punishments for kidnapping under 363, 364 and 364-A shall become meaningless.

Op EdsOP. ED.

by Namit Saxena†

Case BriefsSupreme Court

The undertrial prisoner, accused of kidnapping and raping a 16-year-old, has been behind the bars for almost two and a half years. 

Kerala High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

A child marriage compromises the growth of the child to her full potential. It is the bane of society.

Case BriefsSupreme Court

“The prosecution has to bring home the charges levelled against them beyond reasonable doubt, which the prosecution has failed to do in the instant case, resultantly, the Court is left with no alternative but to acquit the accused, though involved in a very heinous crime.”

Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court: The bench of MR Shah and MM Sundresh, JJ has issued notice returnable on 25.11.2022 in the case relating to