Kerala High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“Even if it is to be accepted that there is no provision enabling change of religion entered in school certificates, that is no reason to tie down a person to one religion, merely by reason of his birth”

Case Briefs

In continuation to analyse a few cases wherein the issue of “headscarf” was touched upon by the Courts, today let’s see what

Case BriefsForeign Courts

As the proceedings in the Hijab Case are still going on, here we try and look back at one of the decisions

Legislation UpdatesStatutes/Bills/Ordinances

Governor of Madhya Pradesh promulgates the Madhya Pradesh Freedom of Religion Ordinance, 2020. Purpose of this Ordinance To provide freedom of religion

OP. ED.SCC Journal Section Archives

by M.N. Rao*

Case BriefsHigh Courts

Kerala High Court: A Division bench comprising of Hrishikesh Roy, Ag. C.J and A.K. Jayasankaran Nambiar, J. while being seized of a