Madhya Pradesh High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“Section 125 of CrPC has not been constituted to create an army of idle or inactive people waiting for maintenance to be awarded from the income of the other spouse.”

Bombay High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The Court considered the aspect of better company and care, wherein it evaluated the parties’ living arrangements, schedules and availability to cater to the children. The husband due to his business engagements could not have catered to the needs of the children, unlike the wife who was not working at stayed at home.

2024 SCC Vol. 7 Part 2
Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 — S. 34(3): Limitation period under S. 34(3) for filing petition challenging arbitral award is considered

2023 SCC Vol. 6 Part 4
Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Concept of Justice in Society: The author delves into the concepts of “law” and “justice” in this article. [Engaging in the Concept

“Child cannot be used as a pawn to prove allegation of adultery against wife”; SC lays down scope of using DNA profiling in divorce cases
Case BriefsSupreme Court

The Supreme Court held that merely because either of the parties have disputed a factum of paternity, it does not mean that the Court should direct DNA test or such other test to resolve the controversy. Only in exceptional and deserving cases, where such a test becomes indispensable to resolve the controversy the Court can direct such test.

Kerala High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Kerala High Court: In a divorce case, Anil K. Narendran and C. S. Sudha, JJ., held that constant and repeated taunts by

Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court: In the case where the wife made reckless, defamatory and false accusations against her husband, his family members and colleagues,

Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court: Dealing with the case where the husband had sought divorce from his wife on the ground that she was forcing