i. Both countries shall be entitled to designate one or more airline.
ii. The designated airlines of either country shall have the right to establish offices in the territory of the other country for the promotion end sale of air services.
iii. The designated airlines of the two countries shall have fair and equal opportunity to operate the agreed services on specified routes.
iv. The designated Airline of each party can enter into cooperative marketing arrangements with the designated carriers of same party, other party and third country,
v. As per the Route Schedule, the Indian carriers can operate to Athens, Thessaloniki, HerakIion and any 3 points to be specified later in Greece from points in India, whereas the carriers of Hellenic Republic can establish direct operation to 6 metros viz. New Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Kolkata, Hyderabad and Chennal. Any points shall be available as intermediate and beyond point for the designated carriers of India as well as the designated carriers of Greece.
At present there is no ASA between India and Greece. The delegations of two sides met in New Delhi on 6-7th September, 2016 and finalized the text of ASA. The agreement is as per latest International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) template keeping in view the latest developments in civil aviation sector and with an objective to improve the air connectivity between the two countries.