NLSIU is all set to conduct a separate entrance test for the academic year 2020-21. The notification issued by the university stated that the decision was taken due to the unforeseen difficulties and delays in the conduct of CLAT 2020. As NLSIU follows a trimester system it was uniquely disadvantaged as every academic year is made up of three terms of 90 days duration. Moreover, each term must accommodate 60 hours of classroom instruction in each course and adequately provide for examination and evaluation processes. If it were unable to complete admissions by the end of September 2020 it would inevitably result in a ‘Zero Year’ with no admission.

The matter was considered in a faculty meeting to avoid ‘Zero Year’ at all costs. In further meetings, it was unanimously resolved to authorize the University to develop an alternative admissions process in the event that CLAT 2020 was not conducted on September 7th 2020. On 28th August, CLAT was postponed from 7th September to 28th September. A faculty sub-committee was constituted in NLSIU to consider all options and they concluded that a common entrance test conducted online at the earliest and with the lowest possible application fee would be a fair, transparent and accessible admissions process.

Any student who seeks admission to NLSIU must apply directly to the University and complete the NLAT UG 2020 Entrance examination. The University will not accept CLAT 2020 scores for admission to Academic Year 2020-21.

Admission procedure

  1. The Online Application portal will open on 3 rd September, 2020 and will close at Midnight on 10th September, 2020.
  2. All applications must be submitted online at
  3. The exam will take place on 12th September, 2020
  4. Syllabus

a. The NLAT 2020 UG will test candidates on 5 (five) subjects (and the published format of the CLAT 2020 UG) comprising, English Language, Current Affairs Including General Knowledge, Legal Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, and Quantitative Techniques.

b. The NLAT 2020 UG will comprise 4 General Comprehension passages

c. Each GC passage will be accompanied by 10 (ten) questions that candidates will have to answer based on the information provided in the corresponding GC passage and in the questions. NLAT 2020 UG will have a total of 40 questions.

d. Each GC passage will be of a similar length (i.e. ~500 words) and order of difficulty as in the Mock CLAT 2020 UG papers.

e. The 10 questions that accompany each GC passage will have 2 questions each from the 5 subjects.

5. Question Paper Format

a. The NLAT 2020 UG shall be conducted in English.

b. The Maximum Marks for the NLAT is 80 marks.

c. All questions shall be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

d. The total duration of the examination is 45 minutes.

e. Marking Scheme: 2 marks per correct answer -0.25 marks per unanswered question -0.50 marks per wrong answer

6. Further information can be accessed at

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