Justices S Ravindra Bhat and Satish Chandra
Case BriefsSupreme Court

The Committee shall identify the number of investors and database of investors, and also determine the amount to be refunded to each investor. An Escrow Account with a bank designated by SEBI, shall be opened and all sale proceeds shall be deposited in that interest-bearing account.

caste based insult
Case BriefsSupreme Court

The Supreme Court observed that it is desirable that before an accused is subjected to a trial for alleged commission of offence under section 3(1)(x), the utterances made by him in any place within public view are outlined, if not in the F.I.R., but at least in the charge-sheet so as to enable the court to ascertain whether the charge sheet makes out a case of an offence.

Case BriefsSupreme Court

The Court was deciding the case where the ex-employees of Maharashtra State Financial Corporation had challenged decision denying the benefit of revision of pay scales, as recommended by the Fifth Pay Commission, to the employees who had retired or died during the period of 01.01.2006 to 29.03.2010.