Allahabad High Court dismisses Advocate’s vexatious contempt plea against Justice Sunita Agrawal
“Criminal contempt is primarily a matter between the Court and the contemner and not a matter between a citizen and the contemner”.
“Criminal contempt is primarily a matter between the Court and the contemner and not a matter between a citizen and the contemner”.
The contemnor used the filing of the writ petition as another weapon in his armour to try and get the price reduced for the land. Such conduct of any person to abuse the judicial process cannot be ignored or left unpunished.
The Calcutta High Court had upheld the suspension of the licence of a medical practitioner who was found guilty of contempt of Court.
Madras High Court held that the contempt petition is not maintainable and barred by limitation. Thus, dismissed contempt proceedings against the presiding officer of Family Court as he was not the presiding officer when the order was passed.