Christ University | National Webinar on ADR in IP law [Register by September 7th, 2023]
Christ Law University is organising a National Webinar on ADR in IP law. The last date of registration is September 7th, 2023.
Christ Law University is organising a National Webinar on ADR in IP law. The last date of registration is September 7th, 2023.
by Pratyush Nigam† and Ishan Khare††
Consequent to Delhi High Court’s Order dated 23-04-2018 in writ petition No. WPC- 5590 of 2015 in the matter of Shamnad Basheer
*Hetvi Trivedi, Research Associate, GNLU-GUJCOST Research Centre of Excellence in IP Laws, Policies & Practices, Gujarat National Law University
Cite as: (2020) PL (IPR) April 88