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Call for Papers | MNLU-M’s Journal on Corporate Laws & Commercial Regulations, Vol I Issue 2

Call for Papers

The Centre for Research and Training in Commercial Regulations of Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai invites contributions for its Journal on Corporate Laws & Commercial Regulations (Volume 01 Issue 02). The journal welcomes submissions from Academicians, Legal Practitioners, Research Scholars, and Law Students on the topic with a significant implication on international or domestic corporate law and interdisciplinary work.

About the Journal on Corporate Laws & Commercial Regulations –

The Journal on Corporate Law & Commercial Regulations (CLCR) is a student-run, double-blind peer-reviewed journal, published bi-annually, based at and published by Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai (MNLU-M), devoted exclusively to the study of the interface between Corporate and Commercial Law and other cross-disciplinary subjects. It is guided by a Student Editorial Board, a Peer Review Panel consisting of expert academicians, and a Board of Advisors comprising of veterans in the field.

The journal team is delighted to invite original and previously unpublished articles, notes, comments, and book reviews on a rolling basis from external contributors until 15th September 2023, for the second edition of this journal.

About Centre for Training and Research in Commercial Regulations –

The Centre for Training and Research in Commercial Regulations (CTRCR) was established with the view to encourage and promote discussion, training, and research in the field of Commercial Law and allied areas by bringing together academicians, professionals, legal experts, economists, regulators, judges, and students. Its aim is to discuss, debate, and spread awareness about contemporary changes & challenges faced by different businesses in the Indian & International Market and to be able to generate literary academia where people from various forums can come together to exhibit their knowledge and expertise and serve as a platform for people from all diverse fields to share their nuances about commercial and regulatory compliance mechanisms and the nitty-gritty associated with them in the legal sphere.

Categories for Submission –

  1. Long Articles (6000 to 10000 words)

  2. Short Articles: (2000 to 6000 words)

  3. Case Comment (1200 to 4000 words)

  4. Book Review (1000 to 3000 words)

  5. Legislative Comment (1000 to 3000 words)

The word limit for all the above-mentioned categories is exclusive of footnotes.

Submission Guidelines –

1. Eligibility: The journal accepts submissions from Students enrolled in 5-year or 3-year law courses, Legal Professionals, Teachers, Researchers, Policy-Makers, Senior Academicians, or any other members of the legal fraternity.

2. Co-authorship of entries (maximum 2) among individuals from the same or different institutions is allowed. However, multiple entries from the same author shall not be accepted. In case even if only one of the two authors sends two manuscripts, the one sent earlier will be accepted.

3. Entries should be original, unpublished and non-plagiarised. The Journal only accepts original articles published by the authors, and any republication of articles from other journals shall not be accepted in any shape or form. Cross-publication of original CLCR content shall be allowed on the grounds that the authors include a line before the cross-published text begins, stating, “This article/interview was originally published in the Journal On Corporate Laws & Commercial Regulations (CLCR) on [date: month, day, year],”

This line should be present at the top of the cross-published article and no changes or alterations are made to the content of the article as published in the Journal. Further, any information revealed in the submission, which comes from a personal conversation with a third party, calls for explicit written permission from the same.

4. Submissions will be considered for publication under the stipulation that they refrain from infringing upon the rights of third parties. Furthermore, it is required that the submitted work abstains from incorporating any material of an obscene, offensive, or defamatory nature.

5. The submitted material should not include the author's name, institutional affiliation, or any other information that could compromise the review process by revealing the author's identity.

6. Citation Style: Footnotes must be properly cited strictly in accordance with the style guide published on centre’s website. In case, the citation type is not covered in the style guide, the author is requested to rely on Bluebook citation (21st Edition). The Journal recognizes that Bluebook citation (21st edition) is not freely accessible, and in such cases, the citation relied upon in authority itself may be accepted.

(Link to the style guide –

7. Speaking footnotes or explanatory parentheticals shall be considered based on the discretion of the editorial board and the requirements of the journal. An elaborative guideline for the same shall be released shortly on centre’s official website.

8. Interested authors must submit an abstract of not more than 200-250 words accompanied by at least 5 keywords. The general submission guidelines shall also govern the abstract submission.

9. Authors may submit manuscripts in accordance with the above laid down guidelines by way of filling the form, access here. The Journal accepts submissions on a deadline basis.

Formatting Guidelines

  1. Font and size for the Essay: Times New Roman | 12

  2. Font and size for Footnotes: Times New Roman | 10

  3. Line spacing for Essay: 1.5

  4. Line spacing for Footnotes: 1.0

  5. Margin – 1' from all sides

  6. Alignment: Justified

For further details, please refer to the CLCR guide available on the centre’s website (

Editorial Policy –

1. Open Access Policy – All articles published in the Journal would be made available on the Journal’s website without any time limit and free of charge.

2. Submissions are accepted for publication on the condition that they do not infringe upon the rights of any third party. All submissions will be run through anti-plagiarism software and plagiarism in any form will result in instant rejection of the submission.

3. Withdrawal of the manuscript must be notified to the team through mail. No withdrawals will be allowed after the author has responded with an acceptance to the confirmation mail by the team.

4. All content must be submitted in English. That said, once approved for publication, the journal is happy to post a translated copy(ies), provided that the translation is done either by the author(s) herself/himself or through a trusted third party of the author’s own accord. Please note that any translated version(s) will be posted alongside, rather than in lieu of, the English version. The journal strongly encourages authors to avail of the opportunity to translate their text into the working language of the context of interest, so that the post can reach a wider audience.

5. Review Process – The review process is a two-stage double-blind peer review. The board would look into various factors like relevance to the theme of the blog, accuracy of facts, depth of analysis, coherence in arguments, and lastly, language and structure of the content.

Important Dates -:

Opening Date of Submission: 15th July 2023

Closing Date of Submission: 15th September 2023

Contact At -:

For any questions or clarifications, the authors may contact the Board at

Brochure of the journal –

Submission guidelines –

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